Suskind, Ron. "A Jobs Study Reveals a Pattern of Problems Among Veterans of Vietnam."
New York Times, March 4, 1985, Sec. 2(B), p. 1, 5.
A study conducted in the New York City area in the mid-80's discovered that there were a variety
of problems confronting veterans. The survey, utilizing 506 veterans, found a "consistent
relationship between race, ethnicity and combat level and these career deficits [employment and
financial concerns]." For instance, the survey found an unemployment rate of 6% for white
veterans but one of 16% and 17% for African-Americans and Hispanics respectively. As a result of
the study a program was implemented to help solve some of the problems revealed in the study. An
initial budget of $500,000 was available for the first year. The program was to primarily focus
on those the survey determined to be most in need, minority veterans and those involved in heavy