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Voice of the Lumpen

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Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

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Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.



This Is Your Personal Property! The Pigs Cannot Take It From You

Check Out AR 381-135(D)

VOL. 1 NO. 8


"Don't be shocked when I say I was in prison, 'cause you still in prison.
That's what America means -- prison!"
Malcolm X

"Voice of the Lumpen" 6 Frankfurt / M Adalbertstrabe 6,

what is the revolutionary peoples communications network

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971. The Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network is designed to provide a structure to link up revolutionary organizations and movements operating both inside and outside the United States to circulate and exchange information about the anti-imperialist liberation struggles in which they are engaged. By establishing more coordinated and regular means of communication among ourselves we enhance the ability to coordinate our activities and lay a foundation for a united front.

The Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network is an international apparatus for exchange of information among revolutionary peoples and organizations engaged in the international anti-imperialist struggle. Presently, the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network has established contacts with revolutionary individuals, groups, organizations, movements and governments throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States. Newspapers, pamphlets, and all other information material published by these groups such as tapes, video tapes, films, press releases, and so on are circulated and produced by this network.

The Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network was created to replace the former Ministry of Information of the Black Panther Party, to provide a new structure for dissemination of information and mass organization in keeping with the new conditions of struggle and to structurally and organizationally separate the above ground and underground apparatus of the revolutionary forces fighting inside the United States. At this point, the arm of a vanguard organization engaged in above ground revolutionary work cannot allow a direct link to those arms engaged in underground work of a more deadly nature. Neither can the underground revolutionary apparatus afford to be involved in the above ground work of producing and disseminating information. Therefore, the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network was initiated to provide the above ground information apparatus to the revolutionary forces many of whom are underground in Babylon. Within the United States, the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network engaged in mass above ground work and political operations, while all other types of revolutionary activity are structurally separated in another apparatus.

We call upon the revolutionary movement both inside and outside the United States to link up their above ground information apparatus to the Network and strengthen all of our abilities to produce, disseminate and communicate information. In Algiers, the RPCN has installed a telex machine to facilitate direct, immediate and cheap communication on a world wide basis. Our telex number is 91905, and we would appreciate as many of our comrades as possible to establish telex communications with us. We are also equipped with video tape equipment (SONY 1/2" AV series) for producing and showing video tapes. We have initiated a taped program for radio broadcast entitled INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, in which comrades engaged in the various liberation struggles are interviewed on different aspects of contemporary developments in the world-wide anti-imperialist struggle. The International Section of the Black Panther Party produces a news bulletin for international distribution about the Afro-American liberation struggle, and the New York Central Headquarters of the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network publishes our national newspaper, RIGHT ON!

The International Section of the Black Panther Party invites all revolutionary people, organizations and movements to participate in building the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network by affiliating their existing facilities with the Network, or by forming a unit specifically for the purpose of linking up with the network in your area. We request all established revolutionary nation's news agencies to contact us directly with news of their struggle against Imperialism which we will distribute to our comrades and friends throughout the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network.

It is important to understand that there are many active liberation movements taking place throughout the world, especially in Africa, that have difficulty in getting their information out to the Western world, the imperialist world that they are fighting against, and it is crucial that a link be made between the developed communications facilities of the West and the vicious wars of liberation being waged around the world for better coordination of resources among revolutionaries.

Primary at this point is the tightening up of the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network inside the United States, because as fascism becomes increasingly blatant, an apparatus to provide true information about the Afro-American liberation struggle and the American Revolution to our many friends and supporters around the world becomes increasingly important. Further, it is essential that we insure coordinated communication among ourselves as we fight against this imperialist monster inside his heart, for the one thing that our enemy is constantly attempting to destroy and block is communication among the revolutionary forces. Reliable, consistent and organized communication via the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network inside the United States can lay the foundation for coordinated revolutionary action, for the Underground Press and the Establishment Press at this point are our main sources of information, but the revolutionary forces themselves are disorganized in terms of communication, especially in terms of distributing local revolutionary news on a national basis.

The goal of the Revolutionary Peoples Communications Network is to create the necessary apparatus to provide organized communication among revolutionary forces about revolutionary information in order to elevate our struggle to a higher level.

To contact us write
B.P. 118 Grande Poste, Algiers, Algeria or call 78 21 05, or telex 91905.


International Section
Black Panther Party

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.



Jackson, Miss. - Aug. 18th 1971. Seven members of the Republic of New Africa were seized and charged with the murder of Lt. Wm. L. Skinner, intelligence officer of the Jackson police force. Pig Skinner was shot in the head during an attack on the RNA government office while two other Pigs were crucially wounded. Patrolman Crowell lost an arm, and FBI agent Stringer was wounded in the leg. Fifteen Jackson police and fourteen FBI agents that represented the colonial forces, approached the government office with weapons of war armed personnel carriers, and ambulances, allegedly to serve warrants on 4 people. None of the brothers sought on US federal warrants were at the RNA office. The brothers and sisters inside the office defended themselves righteously with guns.

About 1/2 hour after the shootout, four more citizens of the Republic of New Africa, (including president Imari Obadele) were abducted from their place of residence seven blocks away. They are also being held on charges of murder and treason.

Two days later, on the 3rd of Sept., 65 representatives of the occupying forces attacked the Detroit off of the Republic of New Africa, they were armed with riot gear, and a search warrant, allegedly because they had a tip from a so-called "informant" that the .32 pistol to recover, was there. They proceeded to arrest and charge with murder two young brothers, Suneyatta, age 14 and Jariffi, age 15, who were the only occupants of the office. In this siege, they claimed to have found the weapon.

As if this wasn't enough, later, brother Chokwe Lumumba, his wife Anasa, brother Rayford Johnson, James Ware Shabazz and Imari Obadele II (son of RNA president), were stopped in their car on route to Michigan. The brothers and sisters were kidnapped and also charged with 1st degree murder of pig Marshall. Chokwe and his wife were released the following morning. At the present time, Brothers Rayford and Shabazz are still being held for murder. Shabazz is also being held as a material witness under $25,000 bond. Imari is being held in Detroit's juvenile section and the racist prosecutor's office is attempting to have Imari, age 15, tried as an adult.

Pig Marshall was shot one time, but 4 brothers are being held on a charge of 1st degree murder which carries a conviction of life.

The RNA has declared independence from the Imperialist power structure of the U.S. and their demand is for land. Malcolm X stated that "Land is the basis for freedom, justice and equality." The vicious attacks on the officers of the RNA is a direct violation of their human rights. A direct parallel can be drawn with the attacks of the occupying forces on the BPP chapters across Babylon just a few years ago, in which hundreds of Panthers were killed or jailed for standing up in defence of the Black community. In a published communique, the Black Liberation Army made the following statement:

"We of the Black Liberation Army do relate to the desire of the people to gain freedom, and we do condemn the efforts by the power structure to suppress those of the RNA who are striving to acquire land in Hines County, Miss. THEIR STRUGGLE IS OUR STRUGGLE, THEIR FREEDOM IS OUR FREEDOM, THEIR BLOOD IS OUR BLOOD. So, let it be known that if one drop of Black Blood is shed, the sons and daughters of Malcolm will rise and pig blood will flow like a river wherever pigs exist. Woe unto those who cannot swim."


Detroit, Mich. On Sept. 1, 1971, off duty pig Alonzo Marshall was shot and killed in an attempt to stop two men who allegedly held up a store. Half an hour later, brother Cicero Love was arrested and charged with 1st. degree murder. After his arrest, his mother's door was kicked in and the house was ransacked by the pig police force, allegedly in search of the .32 caliber pistol which killed pig Marshall.


PART I. The machine-gunning of two fascist Storm Troopers who were bodyguards for District Attorney Frank Hogan shot the liberation struggle of the Afro-American people to another level. And what could have been more fitting than to kick it off on Malcolm's Birthday. Two days later, on May 21, 1971 REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE moved on two more pig cops and this time the Revolutionary Executioners were absolute, and two Gestapo pigs laid dead in the streets of Harlem.

Taking off pig cops is not the only function of revolutionaries, nor are the brothers who moved on four of Lindsay's finest "cowards" as the pig media and their bootlicking nigger counterparts (Amsterdam News) are trying to depict them. They are the NEW URBAN GUERRILLAS who constitute the military arm of the Black Liberation Army. Their job is to move on pig cops whenever it is necessary, mainly to capture weapons. However, there are some exceptions. For example, for psychological purposes, or as REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE puts it, "...to exhibit the revolutionary potential of black people...". The other primary task of the Urban Guerrilla is to sabotage the oppressor's machinery, expropriate (rip-off) money from capitalist banks, and in our situation deal with the Big Dope Dealers in an absolute and final manner.

The importance of the psychological war against the pigs can be seen in the pandemonium immediately following the people's execution of pigs Waverly Jones and Joseph Piagentini. Plainclothes vigilantes flooded the Harlem community armed with shot guns and immediately conducted a "coon" hung. PBA (Policeman's Benevolent Association) President Keirhan suggested arming the pig cops with shotguns (which they did anyway, prior to his official hint, over the pig news media), and said, "If the revolutionaries want a fight, then we'll give them one." As if all the pig cops in New York City were going to line up on the south side of 110th Street and the Revolutionaries were going to line up on the north side and both groups were going to shoot it out. Needless to say, the New Urban Guerrillas aren't as stupid as the President of the PBA, and they refused this pig's challenge to the slaughter.

The guerrilla fights on his own terms, when the conditions are favorable. If the conditions are really right for the liberation forces, it wouldn't make any difference if the military enemy (the fascist pig cops) come armed with shotguns, machine-guns or tanks. We should take them too! Impossible you say? Well, the war of the Vietnamese people against the U.S. Imperialist is the best current example of revolutionaries arming themselves. Until the United State's massive bombing raids that began in the latter part of 1964, "some 90 percent of Viet Cong (NLF) arms were weapons captured from Saigon or American Forces."

Even the pigs in Washington, D.C. were forced to take note of Malcolm's Birthday.

While passive niggers were burning candles and incense, Nixon, Mitchell and Hoover were burning the midnight oil. Two weeks later, Nixon called a meeting at the White House for just about all the pig chiefs in Babylon, with the exception of Pig Commissioner Murphy of N.Y.C. It seems that J. Edgar Hog had an attitude and held Murphy personally responsible for the pigs that were moved on and offed in N.Y.

One could see the spiritual manifestation of this REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE. The people were pitching lye and glass into the faces of bus dispatchers, mistaken for pigs, and more pigs were shot at and one brother fired point-blank at a pig cop, but his gun mis-fired.


The massive and bloody rebellions inside the prisons of Fascist-Imperialist Babylon are an integral part of the overall struggle of oppressed people both inside the United States and throughout the world. Those held in side Babylon's prisons are human beings who have been victimized by the sick, racist exploitative, and murderous capitalist social, political, and economic system into which they were born and in which they are trapped.

The swiftly rising political consciousness of the American people generally has also manifested itself inside the prisons, for those in prison, above all others, see the vicious system of oppression in all its nakedness, its cruelty, and inhumanity.

In recent years, the prisons officials have adopted the policy of weeding out and identifying prisoners who show either leadership qualities or capacities for political analysis or whom they think will join in revolutionary struggle once they are released from prison. Once identified, these prisoners are systematically repressed, often murdered either by prison guards or by other prisoners who become lackeys for the prison authorities in return for special favors, bribes, or in response to threats, pressure, or fear.

This policy of political repression of prisoners has turned the prisoners into political prisoners and transformed the prisons themselves into concentration camps. Even though most of the prisoners were not directly involved in political activity before they were sent to prison, they become politically conscious inside the prisons themselves and then they begin to see the political aspects of their predicament. Their natural response is to organize themselves into political machinery in order to pool their strength in their just demands for the justice that they are due and which they have been denied. Just as human beings put up fierce and unyielding struggles once they became aware that they are oppressed; so the prisoners become fearless and uncompromising fighters for their freedom. When they strike their blows, from behind the prison walls, they are making a profound contribution both to the struggle for the American people against the diabolic system of oppression and to the struggles of the people of the world who are the victims of the overseas extensions and expansion of the Empire of the Oppressor and Exploitation of which the United States is the head.

All those outside the prison, both within the United States and throughout the world, who believe in the possibility of a new world free of oppression and exploitation within civilized societies that nature human life instead of destroying it, have a clear and concrete duty to rise up in support of these prison struggles and express their indignation towards the Fascist-Imperialist rulers of America who are viciously putting down these rebellions in cold blood. Prisoners by the dozens are being slaughtered, maimed for life and brutally tortured by the prison officials in desperate attempts to stamp out the rebellions. But the savage repression mounted by prison officials can be bechecked upon the rulers of America that their brutal treatment of prisoners will not be tolerated.

Over the last few years, the key focal point of the struggle of the Afro-American people has been shifting more and more to the two most repressive and brutal institutions of American society:

1. The Prison System
2. The U.S. Military Est.

The reasons for this shift of focus are clear. Within both the prison system and the U.S. Military Establishment thousands upon thousands of young Afro-American men and women are pulled together in a highly centralized fashion. They are gathered together from every corner of the U.S., yet they have one thing in common: they come from the bottom of society, from the most oppressed class, a great many of them coming from the Lumpenproletariat, and they have suffered the most as victims of the vicious racism, repression, and economic exploitation.

When these people arrive, by force, both to prison and into the Military, they see the contradiction of American society in their most blatant form. In prison, they fall into the hands of inhuman, sadistic beasts, who daily violate the most basic and elementary principles of justice and civilization. In the military, they are ordered to fight to protect the so-called democracy has been oppressing their people for hundreds of years in the most brutal and savage manner. All of this becomes absolutely clear in both the prisons and the military. The natural response to this contradictory and untenable situation is to revolt.

As the situation develops, the identical nature of the predicament of those trapped in the prisons of Babylon and the Military Establishment becomes ever more clear. In both cases they are directly and immediately under the gun, which is used crudely and blatantly to control and contain them. If the prisoners do not like it, and revolt, the military is sent in to suppress them with guns. If the Afro-Americans in the military refuse to do this dirty work for the rulers of America, then they themselves are thrown into prison or otherwise liquidated.

The struggle of Afro-American prisoners has already burst into full maturity, and exactly the same situation is coming to a head inside the U.S. Military, and each violent encounter that occurs, whether inside the prisons or inside the Military, feeds the flames to a higher pitch. It is important to view all of these separate incidents as part of an overall process. It is the slowly widening of the war of liberation being waged by the Afro-American people, and the war of fascist repression being waged against Afro-Americans by the rulers of Babylon. We are fully determined to carry our struggle through to final victory, and no amount of repression by the fascist-imperialist ruling class can make us give up our struggle or slow down in the least. We will also avenge the deaths of our brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered by these pigs.


The prisons of the United States are filled with Afro-Americans who rebelled in various forms against the system of racial, political, and economic oppression under which the Afro-American people suffer. These people are the victims of injustice and those who keep them in prison are the real criminals.

The actions of Afro-Americans to liberate themselves from this bondage have always been defined by the oppressors themselves as "Crimes". The plight of those Afro-Americans who are being held in prison by the force of naked reactionary violence represents the qualitatively deepest and the most total imprisonment of our people, and their rebellions signify the ultimate expression of our move for freedom.

Afro-Americans in the prisons of the U.S.A. compromise a virtually forsaken and forgotten group of oppressed people, yet each second of their daily existence is a fight against American Fascism in its most depraved and sadistic form. This has engendered a high degree of political awareness amongst Afro-American prisoners.

Brother George Jackson was a key leader of Afro-American prisoners, and he also had a growing influence upon the overall struggle of the Afro-American people. Regardless of how the prison officials tell the story of how and why George Jackson died, it is clear that he was shot to death by prison guards. Just as the American fascists always find words with which to explain away and justify the coldblooded murder of Afro-American leaders, they have also found such words to cover up the murder of George Jackson.

The oppressor has no rights which the oppressed are bound to respect. Whenever the oppressor kills a member of the oppressed class in order to restrain, contain, and control him, it is unjust, criminal, and oppressive and the blood of the victim cries out for vengeance.

One year ago, on August 7, 1970, George Jackson's younger brother, Jonathan Jackson, was also shot to death by the guards of San Quentin prison. He was cut down in an heroic effort to liberate three of his comrades from prison and take hostages to exchange for the release of his brother. Both George and Jonathan Jackson are symbols of revolutionary courage, and determination who put action before words, and practiced what they preached. The repression as a revolutionary inspiration to our freedom fighters and a dreaded terror to our oppressors.

The result of George Jackson's supreme sacrifice to his life in the struggle for freedom is to elevate our struggle to a higher level of courage, determination, and action. A new, more powerful link has been forged between those forces fighting within the prisons and those fighting outside. All those who were implicated in Brother George Jackson's murder are on the death list of the American revolutionaries, and they will be hunted down and brought to justice.

Afro-American prisoners have an absolute and indisputable right to escape from the prisons and stockades of fascist-imperialist America, and they are completely justified in killing anyone who dares to try to stop them. Those who earn their daily bread by oppressing others have no complaint if their victims slit their throats when rebelling against such oppression. The prison guards who got their throats slit at San Quentin and the prisoners who took their side and received a similar fate got just what they deserved -- Death. We enthusiastically encourage all Afro-American prisoners, both in the civil prisons and military stockades of fascist-imperialist Babylon, to emulate the heroic actions of George Jackson by carefully planning their escapes, and eliminating by any means possible all those who stand in the way for their freedom.



Aug. 30th -- San Francisco, members of the Black Panther Liberation Army walked into the pig police office at Ingleside and righteously offed one pig and wounded another. The murder of pig Young was in retaliation for the killing of brother George Jackson, Sgt. Young was the sixth San Francisco pig to be offed in the last 18 months.

Sept. 17th -- Folsom, Calif., A supervisor at Folsom State Prison was stabbed to death while he was directing about 24 inmates. Ms. Turner was the 8th employee to die the death of a pig in California prisons this year.

In no less than a week's time after George Jackson's death, two Dept. of Corrections buildings in California were bombed by the Weathermen. The Bank of America was bombed, and in New York a police sergeant was shot to death in his car.




1. On September 9, 1971 a prisoner was beaten so brutally that it amounted to torture, then he was thrown into Solitary Confinement and denied medical attention. As the news of this atrocity spread throughout the prison, the other prisoners became very angry because this sort of thing often happened and they were tired of it. Also, they were angry because they all knew that the tortured prisoner incurred the wrath of the prison authorities because he was militantly opposed to their policy and practice of racist treatment of black and Puerto Rican prisoners.

2. September 10, 1971, the revolt began, with the prisoners demanding that the tortured prisoner be removed from Solitary Confinement and given medical attention. When the prison authorities brushed aside this demand, the prisoners took control of the prison.

3. Of the 7,500 prisoners in Attica State Prison, over half of them, 1,500, took part in the popular revolt.

4. About 90% of the revolting prisoners were Afro-American; about 8% were Puerto Rican; and 2% white.

5. During the revolt, the prisoners took 38 guards hostage.

6. One guard died three days after the revolt from injuries received at the outset of the revolt.

7. The prisoners first tried to negotiate with Corrections Commissioner Russel G. Oswald, but he acted just like a stupid pig-headed cop on the beat, so the prisoners refused to negotiate with him again. Instead, they demanded that a citizens group which they selected be assembled for them to negotiate with. This group included: Attorney William Kunstler; Bobby Seale, Chairman of the Old Black Panther Party, Herman Badillo, member of the Democratic Party and member of the House of Representatives from New York, who is the first Puerto Rican to be selected to the U.S. Congress; Clarence Jones, publisher of the Amsterdam News, an Afro-American newspaper that reflects the views of New York's black middle class; New York State Senator Robert Garcia, a Democrat of New York City who plays the part of a friend of the poor; Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve, a Democrat of Buffalo, New York, in whose district Attica State Prison is located and who is also supposed to be a friend of the poor; and Tom Wicker, a white liberal journalists of the New York Times, whose claim to fame is that he wrote an article sympathetic to George Jackson after he was murdered by the pigs and San Quentin State Prison in California.

8. The prisoners set forth a list of demands:

1) The firing of Warden of the prison and an end to the racist practices and policies he implemented at the prison.

2) An end to the censorship and denial of reading material (Because prison officials have traditionally denied them access to any books, magazines, or newspapers containing any progressive ideas).

3) Religious freedom (Because prisoners who are not Christian and Jews have to practice their religion. This is aimed at black prisoners who are Muslims).

4) Application of the Minimum Wage Law to prison labor (Because prisoners are forced to work long hours for literally a few pennies a day producing items which are than sold commercially at a profit for the prison system).

5) Better food (Because the diet, in accordance with Panel Psychology, is deliberately unpleasant that it amounts to a form of torture and punishment, like the hard beds).

6) Amnesty from all charges deriving from the revolt (Because the prisoners are fully conscious of the vicious use of judicial punishment as a form of retaliation and repression; the use of the death penalty or life imprisonment is automatic retaliation for such acts).

7) Free passage to and Asylum in a "non-Imperialistic" country (Because the prisoners recognize that they are victims of the fascist oppression generated by America's Capitalist System. The International Section of the Black Panther Party pledged itself to arrange for a country or countries friendly and sympathetic to the American Revolution and the just cause of the prisoners to receive the prisoners if prison authorities granted this demand. The prison authorities made the political decision to deny this demand).

9. September 13, 1971. After consulting with President Nixon, the Justice Department, the Pentagon, politicians and prison authorities, Governor Nelson Rockefeller, who refused to talk with the prisoners earlier, ordered a combined force of prison guards, policemen, State troopers, National Guardsmen and Regular Army personnel to attack the prison. After enveloping the entire prison with tear gas dropped from helicopters, the troops charged with machine guns, firing indiscriminately into the mass of prisoners. Prison officials say that 10 guards were killed by the prisoners, who slit their throats, and that 29 prisoners were killed. Our Comrades in New York state that over 40 prisoners were killed outright, and that of the hundreds wounded, many more are expected to die.

10. President Nixon sent Governor Rockefeller a message of support and congratulations for the way he handled the situation.

11. The New York State Legislature is demanding that every prisoner who took part in the revolt be given a sentence of Life imprisonment. In addition, the laws of the State of New York provide for the Death Penalty for killing of policemen, including prison guards.


"At 1:15 pm all news services in New York issued a SPECIAL BULLETIN stating that the Medical Examiner of the State of New York, after examining the bodies of the dead hostages and inmates, said that none of the hostages had their throats slit, as was previously stated by prison officials. All dead, with the exception of one guard who fell out of the window, died from bullets fired by State Troopers and National Guards. The prison officials have repeatedly stated that no inmates had guns, only knives. This means that the responsibility for the deaths of not only the inmates but all the hostages as well, lies in the hands of Commissioner Oswald and Governor Rockefeller."

"The people of New York are outraged by the mass murder at Attica Prison. A massive protest demonstration is being planned for Saturday, September 18, 1971 by the New York Black Panther Party in conjunction with all the black, Puerto Rican and Third World progressive organizations in the area. Expressions of solidarity with the people in New YOrk in support of the rebellion at Attica can be sent to the Harlem office of the Black Panther Party, 2026 7th Avenue, New York, New York, (212) - 864-8951.




When the news about the Attica State prison revolt and the subsequent mass murder hit the press, tension broke loose in all the prisons across Babylon.

Sept. 14th in Baltimore's city jail, the prisoners took over the jail's dining area barricading themselves in, and arming themselves with broken furniture and knives. Pig reinforcements were called in, and after heavy tear-gassing they "subdued" the prisoners.

Sept. 14th - in Detroit Wayne County Jail, the pigs (already aware of what kind of effect the news of the Attica massacre would have on the prisoners there), made a call-by-call search of the prison. They allegedly found some 150 small weapons, and 4 pigs were wounded in the process.


The historical struggle of Afro-American people for liberation and basic human rights within the confines of racist america has been met with the fascist attacks of the american ruling class. In our struggle to destroy the system of capitalist exploitation and racism that has enslaved our people for over four hundred years, racist pigs of the ruling class have used their reactionary forces to destroy any progressive forces that has exposed the true nature of this decadent american society. The combined efforts of the local police, National Guard, State Troopers, Federal pig force and the Imperialist military to suppress, imprison and murder black revolutionaries in particular, clearly defines a state of war between the mercenary forces of capitalism and the Afro-American people.

The combined army of the oppressor can only be defeated through revolutionary warfare. The conventional military and police forces make up a fascist force of the ruling class for the purpose of continuing exploitation and racist persecution of Afro-Americans. To defeat this fascist machinery of the ruling class, black people must have a People's Army.

The purpose of this army is to stand firmly with the people and to serve them wholeheartedly. This army will be powerful because all its members must have a discipline based on political consciousness. They come together and they fight not for the private interest of a few individuals or a narrow clique, but for the interest of the people. Therefore, members of this army must have a strong spirit in order to protect their people from enemy forces. Consequently, there is unity among officers and men and between the lower and higher ranks. There is no distinction between officers and men.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

Furthermore, this army will be powerful because is has the People's Self-defense Corps and the Militia -- the vast armed organization of the masses -- fighting in coordination with it. All men and women, from youth to middle age, are organized in the People's Self-defense Corps on a voluntary basis. The best of the Self-defense Corps (except for those who join the army or guerilla units) are brought into the Militia. Without the cooperation of these armed forces of the masses it would be impossible to defeat the enemy.

The Afro-Americans confined in the oppressor's military will play a very key role in the building of a People's Army. For it is the brothers in the military who have the military skills needed by black people to wage revolutionary warfare. Brothers who have been forced to fight in the pig's imperialist wars of aggression and know the tactics of the pigs well, will be called upon to use their skills in defense of black people.



Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.



THE STARS AND STRIPES            The OVERSEAS WEEKLY -- European Edition


The press is a communication and news media, a propaganda organ which duty it has to inform and educate. It should provide us with national and international news in a very objective way so that the broad masses of people can analyze it and form their own conclusions.

Looking at the establishment (pig) press in a capitalist society, we see that the news is brought to us in a very subjective way, a way that is based on brainwashing the masses, a way that serves the interest of a select few called the ruling class.

Brother Malcolm gave us many examples of how the press skillfully manipulates us on both a national and international scale. "They know how to put something so that you sympathize with it, and they know how to put something so that you will be against it." An example of this was the way they brought the news concerning the murder of Brother George Jackson, in the International Herald Tribune on August 23, 1971. They stated; "SIX DIE IN ESCAPE TRY AT SAN QUENTIN" --- Three inmates and three guards were killed here yesterday afternoon, as George Jackson, one of the Soledad brothers attempted to escape from his maximum security prison.

The way it was presented, it appears that the Brother George really attempted to escape from this maximum security prison and that was the reason he got offed. But we all know after analyzing the facts of the information, it was incorrect. The establishment press creates lies because it wants to confuse the people, especially oppressed black people. So that instead of uniting and organizing, we get frustrated.

Malcolm said we must develop the analytical ability to read between the lines of what they are saying.

Looking around us today, we see that black people are tired of being manipulated by the pig press. And because it is one of the main instruments that is holding us back, it is necessary to counteract the pig press through a righteous people's press or a network designed to analyze the daily news and to educate the masses. An example being the Revolutionary People's Communications Network. This Network serves the masses of people by presenting objective news through papers (the VOL in Frankfurt, Germany, or the RIGHT ON! in New York) and other pamphlets, newsbulletins and video tapes, etc. (see article on Revolutionary People's Communications Network on page 2)

Since the establishment press is clearly an instrument of the ruling class and is designed to deceive and indoctrinate the masses of the people, then it is clear that our support must be given to the Revolutionary People's Communications Network.


One of the tactics that the enemy always uses to deceive, indoctrinate and manipulate people, is words. Take for example, Military Civic Action Programs. These words suggest something else than what they really mean. The very meaning is simply; TECHNIC of COUNTER-INSURGENCY. This technic is designed to deal with oppressed people, when they rise up or attempt to rise up to overthrow the government or a system that oppresses them. Another tactic the enemy uses, is to make the people believe that they (the oppressor) have started something new, an entirely new program, while in fact this is an on-going part of their whole program to deal with black and oppressed people.

In the June 21 issue of Time magazine there is an article on page 17, a one page item, with the title "ARMED FORCES" - Nation-Mending at Home".

Before we go further into the article, it will be wise to answer in the Army's own words, what is the true meaning of Military Civic Action Program. Although there is not much background information available, we think we can refer to the Supplement Text, number 623 of the US Army Infantry School on Unconventional Warfare - An Introduction to Internal Defense: "...the Dept. of Defense has the major responsibility for assisting selected developing countries to attain and maintain military security. It seeks to achieve in each country the proper balance of the capabilities to meet both the external and internal threats. Where insurgency is virtually non-existent or incipient, the objective is to support the development of inadequate internal defense capability in ingenuous military forces through the military assistance program, and to complement the nation-building program of AID (Agency of International Development) with military civic action. If this aim is not realized in a particular country, and as a consequence insurgency develops to serious proportions, the task of the US Forces may become operational; the Dept. of Defense when directed by the president will provide operational assistance in the form of the US Armed Forces Units..."

On Page 10 of the same booklet we read:

"...To understand how activities are coordinated, it is necessary to look at the various agencies of our government and see the role they play in the overseas internal defense and development..."

A brief definition on the purpose of the military civic action, we find on page 38, item 94:

"...The purpose of the Military Civic Action program is to use military resources for the benefit of civilian communities, such as health, welfare and public works projects, improving living conditions, elevating suffering, and improving the economic base for the country. In addition such program seeks to gain support, and loyalty for the Armed Forces..." The last sentence don't state "seek to gain support and respect for the government of the people" but "seek to gain support and respect for the Armed Forces..."

It is clear, the concept and technic of Military Civic Action Program is to win the confidence of the population and to seek for active cooperation and help for the security forces. Above all, the operations of Green Berets in the South are psychological operations. They are in the first place, undertaken to gain assistance from the poor and oppressed people in the South in future operations against black revolutionaries, black freedom fighters.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

At this stage of the struggle when black revolutionaries are talking about guerilla bass in the South, the foundation is led to build up the Afro-American Liberation Army (AALA) it is very important to realize the vital role of the operations and moves the Special Forces are making in the South. They are using military civic action programs for counter-insurgency technics.

The way the enemy always deals with such operations is to give us the impression that something new, some new kind of experiment, is going on, while the information we gave previously (Infantry Training Manual), plus the way they have been operating since after the Second World War in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Africa and Latin America, makes clear that Special Forces Operations in the form of civic action programs are an on-going part of their whole military program in dealing with counter-insurgency and counter-guerilla activities. In Viet Nam for example, in every case where the military made a sincere effort to "Help" the people with their problems, the people have in turn, actively assisted the military in their operations against the Viet Cong (the true freedom fighters). Where the military civic action programs fail to help the people, or where the military has ignored the rights and customs of the people, the people have declined to help in the struggle against the freedom fighters. Let's have a look at some excerpts of the item in Time magazine:

Nation-Mending at Home

Like the disciplined, daredevil corps of '60s prose and ballad, the Special Forces, or Green Beret, teams slipped quietly into the countryside miles from their base. Soon the Berets, many of them veterans of countless similar operations in Montagnard villages in the mountains of South Viet Nam, were moving among the natives, ministering to the sick, refurbishing schools, teaching preventative hygiene and first aid. In many ways it was a textbook exercise, except that the locale was not Viet Nam but two poverty-stricken counties in rural North Carolina.

The kind of civic action at home has not been an Army practice in the past, even though the Green Berets made their reputation by doing just that -- along with more dramatic feats of counterinsurgency -- in Viet Nam and other underdeveloped nations around the world.

Why not apply the skills of such specialized units as the Green Berets where they are most needed -- at home?

The result was Project Nation-Building, perhaps better called nation-mending, or simply domestic action. By any name, it is a very tentative experiment, essentially a pilot project, but one that so far has gone remarkably well. Since the project's first action teams entered Hoke and Anson counties this January, Special Forces men and various units of the 82nd Airborne Division stationed at Fort Bragg have been quietly engaged there, and more recently in South Carolina and Montana. Their mission may well lead to a new role for the Berets in the Army of the 70's.

Tolson, at the time commanding general at Bragg, picked the initial two counties for their proximity as well as for their poverty. Immediately south of Bragg, Hoke County has only two doctors (both in private practice) for 16,436 people -- compared with a national ratio of 1 to 650 -- one dentist and a tuberculosis rate four times higher than the state average. More than half its residents are either black or Lumbee Indian. Anson County, some 60 miles to the west is only slightly better off medically.

Response to the Green Berets in Hoke and Anson has been more than favorable; to the residents and their hard-pressed medical and school personnel, the military presence has been wholly benevolent. Says Dr. Riley Jordan, one of Hoke's two private physicians: "They are serving a tremendous local need."

The success of the projects has also converted some reluctant Berets. One was Lieut. Colonel Bill Robinson, a tough man who was operations officer for the Son Tay prison-camp raid into North Viet Nam. He admits that he was dead set against turning his troopers into community helpers, but has come round to see that "with this civic action thing, we're just using our talents in a different way."

The question now is whether the Army will make the Bragg initiative a nationwide program.

The program has the backing of Army Chief of Staff William Westmoreland, an overall evaluation has been scheduled for this July. Perhaps more significantly, two more Green Beret teams were sent out in the field last month, this time crossing state borders. One twelve-man team is currently in the hamlet of Glenn Springs, S.C., 13 miles southeast of Spartanburg; and a 26-man unit is running a project at Lame Deer on the Tongue River Indian Reservation, home of the Northern Cheyenne, in Montana.

They cloud the issue with lies and bullshit, to make it look like they are out to help black people (look at the photograph). Then again they present the issue as a new initiative, while this is an on-going program. Remember it were the SPECIAL FORCES or GREEN BERETS who initiated civic action programs in Viet Nam as much as 10 years ago. Check the last paragraph, see how they use the word hamlet, a term that has not been in the vocabulary to describe small towns inside Babylon but still they're using it.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.


Right On! Sisters and Brothers Blacks.

I have been here in this concentration camp (stockade) 11 months and I am still in solitary confinement. I have been in solitary confinement 6 months for being a black man. Brothers and sisters, I would rather live a short life as a Black man than to live a long life thinking I am something called a Negro. Brothers and sisters, you have three Brother Blacks going up for general court martials for trying to defend themselves against racist sadistic pigs. And that is right here in the Frankfurt stockade.

The first brother has three years already, for what the pigs call B & E (breaking and entering). The second brother is in for assault. He was getting out on a Chapter 10, but now he is up for a general court martial. The third brother has four years for murder and bank robbery. He was railroaded.

They took him to the dispensary and on the way back, he was beaten by the pigs while he was shackled and bound. He has taken a lot of ass whippings in 11 months. They have broken his nose, knocked his teeth out, broke his wrist, stabbed him with a key. And now they are going to give him a court martial for aggravated assault. Every time he's gotten hurt, one or two pigs have gotten hurt worse. He has been in every stockade in Germany, from July 7, to August 26, of 1970. He was in Nüurnberg stockade from August 26 until October 3, 1970. He was in Mannheim stockade and he has been here in Frankfurt since October 3, 1970. The brothers have written Shirley Chisholm for help. She sent one of her aids over here about three weeks ago. And we rapped to him about what was going down, here in the Frankfurt stockade. The brother that they railroaded for bank robbery and murder, they also said that he had blown up an Officers' Club.

The pigs who beat the third brother, their names are: Sp/4 McCall, Sp/5 Conner and Pfc. Lissy. All of them are white racist pigs of the 50th MP Detachment, Gutleut Kasern. We think that Captain Outlaw set it up, he is the Commanding Officer at the stockade. The pigs who were involved when the brothers tried to defend themselves, their names are Sp/4 Martin and Sp/4 Irwin. These Negros who go around preaching non-violence and love your enemy and turn the other cheek, make Black men like the Soledad Three, take someone's life.


When my Fiancee and I were engaged in an argument, the disturbance resulted in a call to the police who came to her apartment. Myself and a German friend who was also present, were taken down to the station. We were pushed around as if we were unable to walk on our own.

At the station, the German friend was taken into another room while I sat in the next. I could hear a scuffle and the German friend was screaming in pain. I had refused to talk with the police and as I stood up from where I was sitting, I was knocked to the floor. I was taken to a clinic for blood testing and I was pushed and punched for no reason. I was called names and was kicked and manhandled until I was finally put into a cell so small that I could put my back against one wall and my feet against the other. The handcuffs that were placed on my wrist were so tight that my fingers are still numb -- it's been over two weeks.

When I asked what I was being charged with, I was told assault, resisting arrest, and attempting to escape. I assaulted no one, I didn't resist arrest and I didn't attempt to escape. A couple of days later, I was transferred to the Gutleut Kaserne stockade. I have plenty of company because the stockade is populated with mostly brothers.

The pigs here are varied. Some of them act like human beings, but others seem to derive some sort of perversive pleasure out of riding the prisoners. The pigs that bother me most, are the "so-called brothers". These Toms come down on a brother in a minute because they are afraid of the white man that put them up to it. Especially Sgt. Sykes who prides himself on keeping niggers in line. I pray that one day these Toms will make up and face reality. As far as I understand, I will be locked up in pre-trial confinement until the Germans decide whether or not to try me. In other words, I'm here for an indefinite period of time. The Army has me charged with AWOL and I will be tried for that when the Germans finish.


George Jackson is in the grave. But the greatest part of George can never be put into the ground for a man is remembered for his ideological structure, his beliefs, his spirit, and courage. The things George lived for and left us when he died will live past materialization for Black people in America, and on to the betterment of all mankind. George, like Malcolm, Bobby Seale, Mark Clark, Denmark Vessey, Fred Hampton and countless others who refused to be silent while the Racist Power Structure continues to commit genocide, exploitation, degradation and all other forms of brutality against the Black man in America, are eternal men. They lived and died telling their people of the true nature of this corrupt, racist and greed infested society that seeks to suppress the full development of black people.

And though they are gone physically, we were all left in their will. Each and every black man and woman in America carries the tools with which to rejuvenate George and the others. We carry them in our hearts, minds and hands.

Let us inherit their eternal beliefs and ideas of freedom, and also become known as eternal people, and George Jackson will never die.


Martin Walser


The following interview is with a brother who has worked as a stockade guard for a period of two years. Several months ago, he was relieved of his duty because of his close association with the political prisoners there.

VOL: We understand that you have worked in all of the stockades here for over two years. Can you give us information on the conditions there?

Brother: Basically, in the stockades of Germany, you have brothers who are in pre-trial confinement. They spend 8 to 9 months in pre-trial confinement. Possibly, they may get off or they may get a bad conduct discharge. The whole system is geared toward channelization. If you have any type of revolutionary consciousness, they have a special way of dealing with you. They try to break down your spirit.

VOL: You stated that if the brother has a revolutionary consciousness, they try to break down his spirit. What methods do they use?

Brother: They take away your so-called rights. For an example, you have the right to see your lawyer. You have to make a written request, but they tear it up. You may be sick and want to see a doctor, but they deny you this right. They make all type of propositions in order to take away your manhood. For an example, if you go along with the system or if you sign a statement, they tell you that your chances are better in winning your case. Which is entirely untrue.

VOL: How many stockades are here in West Germany and the population of each?

Brother: There are three stockades in West Germany, Frankfurt, Nürnburg and Mannheim. Mannheim is one of the largest ones, which is overcrowded, they have approximately 300 prisoners. Nürnburg is a pre-trial confinement prison, which is also overcrowded. Frankfurt, which is maximum security, has a capacity of 57, but they have about 75 to 80 inmates. From 70 to 80% of the population of all the stockades are black political prisoners.

VOL: You mentioned maximum security, can you tell us more about that?

Brother: Yes, they have maximum security. The pigs call it descregation. In most prisons in Germany it is known as the box. They isolate you from the rest of the population. They cut off your rations and your food is worse than the inmate's food who's on another level.

VOL: What are the attitudes of most of the stockades guards?

Brother: In the military prisons or stockades, they have a large amount of white racist, like in Leavenworth, LBJ in Vietnam and over here in Germany. They dislike the blacks, and they dislike the way that the blacks carry themselves. Some of them like their duty and some of them dislike it, so they take it out on the blacks. Another problem can be the Negro guards, we call them pork chops. Whatever the pigs decided, they will carry the decision out. If an incident breaks out in a particular cell and if the pork chops come in first, he will try to restrain you. But when the whites come in, he will join with them and gang up on you. If the pork chop does not participate, then he is boosted out of the stockade. So, therefore, a black turn-key would either have to be a pork chop and a lackey, or well discipline on how to carry himself in order not to get into trouble with the brothers and also the pigs.

VOL: We have received a lot of information concerning Capt. Outlaw, who is the Commanding Officer of the Frankfurt Stockade. What kind of pig is he?

Brother: Capt. Outlaw is an all out racist. What ever the guards do to the prisoners, often it is initiated by him. He's also the kind of pig that will try to manipulate, he was once a lawyer, therefore he's very rhetoric with words. And the guards under him have a particular allegiance that he knows they will follow. That allegiance is to keep blacks in their place.

VOL: Are there many incidents where guards have vamped on brothers in their cells and brutalized them for no apparent reason?

Brother: There are many actions of this type. If the guards have a reason, it is very minute. On the other hand, they get their orders from the CO. You also hear guards come bragging, saying: We whipped Jackson's ass today or we whipped Isaac's ass today. And the pigs feel proud about it. I have also heard pork chop (Negro) guards tell how they kicked a certain brother's ass. I would say that it's frequent. It happens everyday of the week.

VOL: What about rebellions in the stockades?

Brother: Well, as far as the Frankfurt Stockade, there is no complete co-ordination between the prisoners to move against anything. At one time, we had mostly brothers with a high revolutionary consciousness. Brothers who were part of the Hanau incident, Geinhausen incident and many more. A brother by the name of Louis, is supposed to be facing 193 years and $200,000,000 damages for tearing up vehicles. He also did a revolutionary action by throwing a frag (grenade) in a mess hall that had about 19 pigs in it.

VOL: Do they isolate certain prisoners from others?

Brother: They isolate the political prisoners. Those who are considered political prisoners, you won't find them walking around freely as the trustees, unless they cater to the system. Those who stand firmly as black revolutionaries won't cater to the system. Therefore he is always held in maximum security. He is released from his cell for about 1 hour per day. His mail is censored and the pigs are always trying to provoke him so they can add more charges. They are treated totally different from the other prisoners and the pigs always have them under constant surveillance.

VOL: Are there many brothers who are forced to stay in the stockade after ETS?

Brother: Quite a few. Often, when the brothers realize what is going down, they take retaliatory actions. Often these brothers are removed from here and sent to Fort Leavenworth.

VOL: Outside of the brothers who take actions, are there many brothers who develop a revolutionary consciousness while in the stockade? And what tactic do the pigs use to single him out?

Brother: There are many brothers who developed a revolutionary consciousness while they are in. The Pigs use all kinds of methods to keep him separated from the get-down brothers. Either they try to place him in a trustee (nigger pig) or put him in a parolee area where they fill him with promises of being released if he just remain silent and cause no disturbance. This way they can get rid of him. Their efforts to separate the brothers who develop a revolutionary consciousness and the get-down brothers are unlimited. But the unity exists because repression is meted out against all of them, and that they are all political prisoners.

VOL: Four or five months ago, Nathanial Jones of the NAACP visited Germany to investigate the rising tide of racism in the US Military. He claimed that he had made his investigation and that he had talked with the grassroot brothers, the lumpen. When he turned back to Babylon, he issues a report. In that report, he stated that the military judicial system was fair compared to other dealings for Blacks in the service. Do you have any comments about this?

Brother: From the stand point of a Black man in the military and being used and messed over myself; there is no such thing as military justice. The judicial system in the military is the most racist and reactionary thing the Pigs have going for them. The percentage of actual cases being won now is below 30%. The judicial system is totally racist and the pigs that serve on the judicial boards are worse. It is like organized crime. They persecute who they want to, and release the person they want to. There is no such thing as military justice.

VOL: What do you think are some of the concrete ways that brothers outside the stockades can organize to put pressure on the military authorities to release black political prisoners?

Brother: I think one of the most important things we could do, and definitely the first thing would be to prevent the brother's kidnapping. Also realizing that we are subject to repressive measures at all time, the brothers should carry a lawyers telephone number. Anytime repression comes down on a brother, the brothers from that area should be organized to retaliate with revolutionary force. We cannot expect any justice coming out of the military courts because it is just another repressive instrument used by the system, to systematically throw us in the stockades or out of the military completely with a BCD. Revolutionary action is the only thing that will prevent the daily railroadings, empty the military stockades, and guarantee our freedom as a people.


Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

A former Black GI held for nine months in solitary confinement by fascist West German authorities was released on August 13, 1971 and turned over to the International Section of the Black Panther Party in Algiers by the West German Government. William Frederick Burrell, 23, who refused to go to Vietnam because "I don't want to help a government that is oppressing my own black brothers and sisters inside the United States carry out this dirty war of extermination against the Vietnamese people", was one of the defendants in the case of the Ramstein Two. On the afternoon of August 13, 1971, Burrell was taken from Zweibrücken State Prison directly to the Frankfurt airport and placed a non-stop flight to Algiers. He was met at the airport by comrades from the International Section of the Black Panther Party.

Burrell stated "I have been held in solitary confinement for the last nine months at Zweibrücken Prison". As far as he knows, Edgar Lawrence Jackson, 31, who was a member of the Special Forces and served in Vietnam in 1956-57, is still being held in the wretched solitary confinement in Zweibrücken Prison. Jackson, was arrested along with Burrell on November 19, 1970 following a shooting incident at the U.S. Air Force Base in Ramstein, West Germany. A German guard was allegedly wounded by gunfire from the car in which Burrell, Jackson and two other black men were riding.

As a result of this shooting incident, Jackson was sentenced to six years in prison on the trumped-up charges of attempted pre-meditated murder. The railroading of Jackson to prison lays bare the vicious campaign being systematically waged against black GI's in West Germany by combined forces of the U.S. military authorities and the West German lackey government. There are approximately sixty thousand black GI's stationed in West Germany. Among them anti-war feelings is running at a feverish pitch. Coupled with this is the determined desire to smash the system of racist oppression that exists inside the U.S. military and on a larger scale inside the United States as a whole.

Burrell stated that the number one desire of all the black GI's is to strike a blow for the freedom and liberation of their own people inside the United States. "The military authorities are scared to death of what would happen if these thousands of black men ever got loose and start putting into practice the fighting skills that they have learned and developed in Vietnam and elsewhere. The pig rulers of the military have a special brand of kangaroo justice for all brothers who try to do political work amongst black GI's. U.S. military stockades all over the world are full of black brothers who have spoken out against the system. Many brothers in the stockades were busted for acts of revolutionary violence against the military machinery. In South Korea, Vietnam, and West Germany the story is the same: black men have become aware of their personal plight as cannon fodder and of the plight of their people as modern day slaves and they have sworn to fight to the end to bring about a change in the present situation".

Burrell himself has dedicated his life to the liberation of his comrade Jackson from the German prison by any means necessary.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.


Kathleen Cleaver, Communications Secretary of the Black Panther Party, International Section, in Algiers was invited to speak at a Thanksgiving Day Rally with the Black GI's in Germany in November 1970. Burrell, Jackson, and the other two comrades in the car with them at the time of the shooting incident were part of the forces that organized the rally. For two weeks prior to the shooting incident they and other black GI's were busy traveling throughout West Germany visiting the network of military installations of the U.S. occupying forces passing out leaflets and hanging up posters urging all black GI's to turn out for the rally. As fast as they could put up a poster the MP's, CID or West German police would tear them down. Tension on all the military bases was high, as the authorities did everything they could to discourage and stop the rally. A few days before Mrs. Cleaver's scheduled arrival the shooting incident at Ramstein occurred. When Mrs. Cleaver showed up at the Frankfurt airport, she was arrested by German authorities on the orders of the Interior Minister Gensher and summarily expelled from the country and order to never again return.

The trial of the Ramstein Two, as Burrell and Jackson became known, developed into a central focus and controversy amongst black GI's and the West German student movement. The trial began June 16, 1971 and ended July 12, 1971. Burrell and Jackson, who refused to participate in the mockery of justice supposed to be their trial, made only one statement throughout the proceedings at the opening of the trial. In their statement they charged the West German court with being a lackey for the U.S. government in suppressing the black GI movement. They charged that the U.S. government pressured West German authorities to railroad them through the court. They further charged that in conducting this trial against them both the West German authorities and the U.S. military authorities were motivated by political and racial intentions.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

We welcome Brother William Burrell as a comrade in arms.

We wish to call the attention of the people of the world to the crisis now existing inside the U.S. military, particularly as it relates to the Black GI's. It is in the interest of all peace loving people for the U.S. military establishment to be taken out of the control of the fascist imperialist U.S. ruling class which uses the U.S. military to bring about these changes deserve and must have your enthusiastic support. We call upon the people of the world to demand that their governments adopt a progressive policy of support and hospitality to the U.S. GI's who reject the present U.S. military machine. The situation is critical, and this action must be taken. The movement amongst U.S. GI's would be greatly accelerated and encouraged if the people of the world adopted a progressive attitude towards them once they break with the rulers of the U.S. military.

Further, we demand the immediate release of Lawrence Jackson from the West German prison and demand that he be turned over, as was Burrell, to the International Section of the Black Panther Party. If he is not released immediately, we pledge ourselves to obtain his release through revolutionary means.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

You are holding our comrade and our brother Edgar Lawrence Jackson on trump up charges at the bidding of the racist fascist Imperialist U.S. government. By working hand in hand with the oppressors of our people to further oppress us politically you have thereby proven yourselves to be nothing but a lackey and a watch dog for our enemy. On many occasions you have carried out hostile acts against members of the Black Panther Party who were attempting to do political work amongst black GI's stationed within your territorial confines. If you persist in your present course of action, we have no alternative but to retaliate.




Eldridge Cleaver

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

In February 1971, Brother Billy Smith, a black GI from Watts, was thrown into pre-trial confinement in Long Binh Jail in South Vietnam. He is presently being held in solitary confinement in Ford Ord (California) stockade, which preparations are being made for his court martial. Brother Billy is being charged with: 2 counts of premeditated murder of two pig lieutenants, 2 counts of attempted murder against another pig lieutenant, and a 1st Sgt., 1 count of assault of another pig officer wounded in the explosion and 2 counts of assault against two military pig police. These charges stem from an alleged "fragging" at Bien Hoa Army Base, South Vietnam, on March 15, 1971.

The evidence that the pigs are using against brother Billy is one grenade pin, which the pigs have stated: "we found in his jacket pocket". Even though the pin was sent to a laboratory to compare it with the grenade handle which was found near the incident, the pin was found to be completely different. However, the pigs still intend to hang brother Billy.

The criminal and barbarous war that the U.S. government is waging in South Vietnam is heightening the political consciousness of thousands and thousands of GI's. They clearly see the contradiction between the oppressor and the oppressed and they are demanding that the U.S. imperialist aggressors put an end to the war. Even within the ranks of the U.S. military, there is widespread rebellion. Black GI's in particular are repudiating their role as puppets and cannon fodder for the U.S. ruling class and their military authorities.

Because of his political beliefs, brother Billy is being held as a "prisoner of war". Some people like to refer to it as "the war between the enlisted men and their officers", but black revolutionary GI's have taken their struggle to a higher level. They are fighting solely for the liberation of the Afro-American people. And they see no difference in the oppression of their people in the black communities and the oppression in the racist military institution. The military stockades are full of black political prisoners who have spoken out against the criminal policies of the U.S. government, and the institutionalized racism that they suffer under. In many cases, they have turned their guns against their racist officers, their true enemies. They have become aware of their strategic position in the U.S. imperialist military and they intend to deliver death blows to the whole system of oppression.

We call upon the peace loving peoples of the world in general, and Black and oppressed GI's in particular, to show solidarity and support for brother Billy Smith. For further information contact:

Billy Smith Defence Committee
288 Alvarado Street
Monterey, California




This is the 8th edition of the Voice of the Lumpen. The seventh edition was dealing with the People's Republic of the Congo, this issue as you can see on the front page, deals with prisons and the military stockades. As Malcolm X said;
"You and I have never seen democracy, all we've seen in hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victims of Americanism. We don't see any American Dream. We have experienced only the American Nightmare. We haven't benefited from America's democracy, we've only suffered from America's hypocrisy. And the generation coming up now can see it, and are not afraid to say it. If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail."
The prisons and stockades are full of black men and women, the repression from the pigs has reached a point where we can easily see the genocidal plan of the oppressor at work, "What are we going to do about it? How are we going to make a strong stand in order to stop this beast from further oppressing, railroading, and murdering us? What are we going to do 'bout it?" You can hear beau-coup voices in FRIEDBURG, BUTZBACH, GELNHAUSEN, HANAU, DARMSTADT, HEIDELBERG, STUTTGART, MANNHEIM, BAMBERG, NÜRNBERG, FULDA, SCHWEINFURT, WÜRZBURG; all over where our brothers are stationed, asking this and other questions. You can hear the same questions being asked in Babylon. "What are we gonna do 'bout it." There's only one answer... ORGANIZE, EDUCATE, SABOTAGE, and DESTROY!!

As far as the publishing of the Voice of the Lumpen is concerned, this is but one aspect of the struggle...the aspect of coordinating information, propaganda and political education. The aspect of laying a solid foundation for revolutionary activities right here in Germany.

As you could read in our previous issue, we've become part of the Revolutionary People's Communications Network (check page 2). In addition to our paper, we are putting out a bi-weekly bulletin; we're organizing rallies and political education classes (p.e. classes); we're in the clubs and bars where our brothers and sisters are going and we do more... Relate to us only as a part in the overall liberation struggle of the Afro-American people. We say that "action is the vanguard", revolutionary action.

We once more want to stress that we have a common purpose. Our appeal to you brothers and sisters is to; connect all your forces, skills and resources to serve a united purpose, move...move...move!! Organize and form a unit in the Revolutionary People's Communications Network. The stake is too high to further tolerate the repression of the racist Military pigs.

Since we're outside the service, we're faced with a number of problems, which in a way hinder us from moving in the manner that we want to. You brothers are in a favorable position. A position where you can accomplish a lot more. Imagine what effect actions from within the belly of this racist Army will have. Imagine how much inspiration revolutionary actions from within will give to the brothers and sisters who are moving at home; imagine how much potential and power 50,000 Black GI's represent! The VOL therefore expresses the thoughts of our brothers and sisters who are underground in Babylon. Thoughts that say; "A great deal of our hope is on you, you have a mission to fulfil..."

As far as organizing within the Military concerns righteous brothers and sisters has set a living example. The VOL doesn't have words enough to express their revolutionary solidarity with these organizations. Wherever we can help, we will not hesitate to do that.

Brothers, time is running out and the stakes are too high. VOL will push, keep on pushing. Don't ever hesitate to push us; don't ever hesitate to criticize us if you see we're going wrong.

Remember, this is (one of) your papers...don't let the pigs take it away from you...support it...defend it... We on our part, we will unite all our efforts and revolutionary energies to coordinate our work, and strengthen our forces, and thereby lay a solid foundation for coordinating revolutionary activities right here in Germany! We will get in touch with you; Get in touch with us!

"Voice of the Lumpen"

6 Frankfurt/M Adalbertstraße 6,

tel. 0611/776796







Historically, black and oppressed GI's (Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Puerto Rican, poor whites) have been used as pawns and mercenaries to serve the interest of the U.S. imperialist. The history of the U.S. Empire is the history of the use of its oppressed peoples to oppress other people. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world, like black and oppressed people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America.

The U.S. military is a racist and fascist institution and its sole purpose is to protect U.S. imperialism. Like the racist and fascist judicial system is one and the same. Therefore, the military has no right to convict or imprison anyone. Most of the prisoners are Black. We demand that all political prisoners be released because they have not had a fair and just trial.

Officers and senior enlisted men breed racism within the military by exploiting and indirectly pitting service men and women of different color against one another. We demand that all racist officers and enlisted men be degraded and removed from positions of authority.


All military men and women are indirect representatives of the people, and are themselves a part of the people. The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that, "all people are endowed with certain inalienable rights. Among those are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The U.S. Bill of Rights gives all people the freedom of speech, press, to a fair trial by jury consisting of peers, freedom of assembly, and the right to bear arms in defense of part of the people (U.S. citizens), organized into an army. Therefore, they should have their Constitutional and Human Rights.

Under the excuse of military discipline, officers and senior enlisted men have been placed in a position of higher authority. The officers and senior enlisted men have the role of the slavemaster, and the rank and file GI have the role of the slave. Therefore, we demand that the caste and class system be abolished.

Many war resistors have left Babylon to keep serving in the imperialist's military. Many deserters have defected the military because of racist and fascist oppression. We demand that the political deserters be allowed safe return to their family and friends.


We believe that every community has the right to define, determine and control its institutions so that they reflect the integrity of the community. Therefore, we declare that the communities of the world have the right to determine their own destinies. We demand the total withdrawal of U.S. fascist and imperialist troops.


Source: Voice of the Lumpen. [Frankfurt, Germany]: Revolutionary People's Communications Network, 1(8), October 1971.

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